Niigata University of Pharmacy and Medical and Life Sciences


NUPALS History

1967 March The Niigata Institute of Science and Technology obtained approval for initiation from Niigata prefecture.
1977 January The Niigata University of Pharmacy obtained approval for setting up the Faculty of Pharmacy (Schools of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.
April Started its operation.
July Completed a gymnastic hall.
1979 April Established a pharmaceutical botanical garden.
June Completed a cafeteria
1980 September Completed a rearing facility for experimental animals and a facility for radioactive isotopes.
1981 December Completed a greenhouse in the pharmaceutical botanical garden.
1983 October Completed a union.
1986 January Established Gozu extension garden of the pharmaceutical botanical garden (Sasakami-mura).
1987 March Completed the facility for experiments of recombinant DNA.
1988 November Expanded the union.
1991 March Obtained approval for setting up the graduate school of the The Niigata University of Pharmacy (master's course of pharmaceutical sciences) from the Ministry of Education,Science, Sports and Culture.
April Started its operation.
established a shared facility for instruments and an information-processing center for educational research.
1995 March Obtained approval for setting up the graduate school of the The Niigata University of Pharmacy (Doctoral course of pharmaceutical sciences) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.
April Started its operation.
1999 September Agreement for collaboration signed with the Capital Medical University in China.
December Obtained approval for seat increase of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
2001 December Obtained approval for setting up the Faculty of Applied Life Sciences (schools of applied life sciences and food science)
2002 April Established Niitsu campus.
Established the Faculty of Applied Life Sciences.
August A sister-school partnership signed with the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA.
2003 July Obtained approval for seat increase of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
2006 January Obtained approval for setting up the graduate school of the NUPALS (master's course of applied life sciences) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
April Started its operation.
Changed the system of the Faculty of Pharmacy to 6-year course.
Completely relocated the Faculty of Pharmacy to Niitsu campus.
Established the Center for Continuous Professional Development.
2007 April Established the Liaison Center for R&D Promotion.
2008 October Obtained approval for setting up the graduate school of the NUPALS (late Doctoral course of applied life sciences) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2009 April Started its operation.
October Completed a students' hall (cafeteria) and a seminar/research building of the Faculty of Pharmacy (including a large clinical lecture room and training rooms).
2010 April Opened the graduate school of the NUPALS (Master's course of applied life sciences, pharmaceutical course) Established the Educational Cooperation Promotion Center.
2011 May A sister-school partnership signed with the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, China.
2012 April Faculty of Applied Life Sciences Reorganization establishment (4 course installation). Faculty of Applied Life Sciences Teacher-training course establishment. Graduate school establishment (Department doctoral course of pharmaceutical research).
2012 June The university enters into a comprehensive collaboration arrangement with Niigata Nippo, Nagaoka Institute of Design, Niigata Seiryo University and Niigata Seiryo University Junior College.
2013 April The Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences logo is established
Established the Student Support Services Center
Established "Media ∞ Caumps"
October Agreement for collaboration signed with the State University of New York, Fredonia (US)
2015 April Concluded the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement with St. Marianna Association
Faculty of Applied Life Sciences Department of Life Sciences Business
June Concluded the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement with Niigata City
September Agreement for collaboration signed with University of California (US)
April Open a new campus "Niitsu Station Campus EAST"
2016 April Agreement for collaboration signed with the University of Nantes (France)
2017  September Agreement for collaboration signed with Western Sydney University (Australia)
November The agreement about the cooperation with Kamonorin High school
2018 January Agreement for collaboration signed with Chungnam National University (Korea)
February Agreement for collaboration signed with Rangsit University (Thailand)
2019 June The agreement of the cooperation with Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry Association
June Agreement for collaboration signed with The University of Vienna (Austria)
July Agreement for collaboration signed with Joetsu University of Education
October Agreement for accepting foreign students with Heilongjiang State Farms Science Technology Vocational College
2020 February Concluded the comprehensive partnership agreement with Niigata Pharmaceutical Association
February Concluded the comprehensive partnership agreement with Niitsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
March Concluded the comprehensive partnership agreement with Niigata City Akiha Ward
March The agreement about the education and research with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
April Open a new campus "Niigata Station Campus"
2021 September Agreement for collaboration signed with Manila Central University (Philippines)
2023 April Established the Faculty of Medical Technology
Established the Faculty of Nursing


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