Niigata University of Pharmacy and Medical and Life Sciences

Education Facilities

Lecture Rooms

Large Lecture Room
Our largest lecture room with a capacity of 360 seats. It has a large retractable screen in the front and images on the screen can be projected onto monitors on the walls, so that those in the back row seats can see things in detail.

B-303 Lecture Room
The lecture room with a capacity of 220 seats was extended a couple of years ago. The room can be divided into two or three using partitions and the room is used for SGD (small group discussions) and SP (simulated patient) training seminars for the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Small to medium lecture rooms
We have total of 14 small to medium lecture rooms (50 to 200 capacity). They are used for open seminars and seminars.

Large Clinical Practice Lecture Room
The lecture room newly built in 2009 has a capacity of 300 seats. The room is fully equipped with three large screens, which can project images independently, and monitors on the walls. Besides normal classes, it is used for open lectures.

Study Facilities

Self-study Room
The self-study room is open to all students. It is open from 08:00 to 21:00, except on days when the university is closed.

The library houses 52,000 or so specialist and liberal arts books. It is open from 09:00 to 21:30 on weekdays and 09:10 to 16:30 on Saturdays, and visitors are allowed to peruse and copy documents only. You can also borrow books when you register with the library. There are 290 seats in the library.

Information Training Room
The room has 77 computers for student use. You can study using the internet anytime as long as it is within open hours. There are also several wireless LAN access points in the university, so you can use the internet on your own notebook PC.

Medical Plant Garden

Medical Plant Garden
The approximately 3,000 square meter garden has an administration building (130㎡) and greenhouse (150㎡), and about 300 types of medicinal plants are grown. We also have the Goto Garden (3,000㎡) in Kagano City about 20km from the university where about 250 types of medicinal and wild plants are maintained in a forest close to nature.

Sports Facilities

Besides university events, physical education classes and extracurricular activities (clubs), it is used for a variety of purposes. It provides a place for students to build strength and refresh and is has a training room equipped with fitness equipment, changing rooms and shower rooms.

Sports Ground & Tennis Courts
The multipurpose ground and tennis courts near the student parking lot are used for ballgames and club activities. Within set hours, specific clubs are given priority, but they are open to all students outside those hours.


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