Niigata University of Pharmacy and Medical and Life Sciences

Greetings by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Life Sciences

Applied life sciences are a major driving force for the SDGs.

The“Life science”, which leads to a wide range of industrial fields such as food, agriculture, medicine, health, environment, and education, is indispensable academic for modern society. Especially, it is essential for achieving the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” Twenty years have passed since the founding of the Faculty of Applied Life Sciences, and it has grown into a faculty that can strongly promote the SDGs. This faculty belongs to the Faculty of Agriculture and consists of two departments, the Department of Applied Life Sciences and the Department of Life Science Business. The former is a department where students learn new manufacturing technology (bioscience) of "Life science", and the latter is a department where they learn how to create new businesses (bio-business) using those technologies. Our faculty has a program that allows students to take courses across disciplines. The experience and confidence gained from "learning social implementation from manufacturing technology to business" will undoubtedly be a great strength in tackling social issues that are becoming more diverse and complex. Another strength of our faculty is that we have faculty members who, given 10 different potentials, can develop them in 10 different pedagogies. By all means, let your abilities bloom at our faculty.

Hiroaki Takaku
Dean of Faculty of Applied Life Sciences


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